Hear Your New Teammate

Commercial Demo

Narrative Demo

What Can I Do For You?

Greetings from the mountainous Evergreen State! I am a Seattle-based Voice Over talent that moonlights as a dragon, searching for opportunities to bring new stories to life. But not just fiction! I seek to tell your story, and all stories have many parts. Perhaps yours begins by conveying engaging information to bright minds, or aiding your coworkers or customers to clearer understanding. Maybe you seek someone to help bring new members or more hands to join you, or a voice to express your company’s passion for a new product.

Because no matter your project, no matter your audience, I will put forth my greatest skill, my best effort, and my highest enthusiasm towards it each and every time. Whatever your need, whatever your story and its myriad pieces requires, I hope you’ll find that you need look no further for a new teammate in bringing your idea, your product, your story to life. I wish to be a part of your team, and I look forward to working with you!

About Your New Teammate

My career in voice-over was truly sparked by my parents reading to me as a young child, bringing to life each character and story. By far, my favorite were those of C. S. Lewis’ Narnia, and fantasy has been my favorite genre ever since – though science-fiction now comes close! As I grew older and sat through the unenthused, monotonous readings of my peers, I deliberately set out to be dynamic, engaging, and above all interesting to those I was reading to. By Abba’s blessing, my family’s support and some truly incredible mentors and coaches, I can now carry this joy and determination with me into voice acting, and I endeavor to bring to life these qualities in each and every project.

Besides voice-acting, this lifelong love of reading grew into an equal love of writing, of learning, and of helping others to learn. Science-fiction, fantasy, and documentaries are still today my peanut-butter, jelly, and butter sandwich, and scientific world-building for my personal stories is as fine chocolate. Reading the impossible-sounding names of ingredients and chemicals to friends is entertaining; learning to pronounce foreign names and words is a fun challenge! And taking complex or abstract topics and breaking them down to understandable, relatable bites for others to grasp is a joy to me.

Get in Touch

Tell me about your project! I look forward to teaming up with you to make something awesome.

Give me a ring

Kelsie Possert

(208) - 576 - 4729

E-Mail Me